FBS Research Grant Guidelines

Florida Bluebird Society Research Grants (FBS Research Grants) are intended to further the mission and goals of the Society.  All research funded by FBS Research Grants must be conducted in the State of Florida and be primarily intended to further knowledge about all phases and activities of Eastern Bluebirds in the Sunshine State and how the knowledge gained will benefit Eastern Bluebirds.   In keeping with the stated mission and goals of the FBS, secondary consideration also will be given to proposals for other federally protected cavity nesting species in Florida which meet the same criteria.

Florida Bluebird Society Research Grants will be awarded yearly, contingent on the funds available.  Maximum amount awarded each year by the Florida Bluebird Society will not exceed $2,500.00.  This award may be granted to one or several applicants, depending on the objectives and significance of the proposals submitted.

Priority will be given to applications received from individuals or organizations with a demonstrated interest and ability in conducting research beneficial to or expanding our knowledge of Eastern Bluebirds in Florida.  Applicants must be members of the Florida Bluebird Society at the time the grant proposal is submitted.  The sole decision on awarding the grants will be the prerogative of the Florida Bluebird Society.  The Florida Bluebird Society’s decision will be final and binding.

The grants will be for a one-year period.  All proposals will be due by December 15 to be considered for the following calendar year.


Grant applications must have a cover sheet containing:

  1. Name
  2. Mailing address
  3. Phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Title of project
  6. Short, concise summary statement highlighting the location of the project, the research
    method and how it will broaden the knowledge or conservation of Eastern Bluebirds and
    other federally protected cavity-nesting bluebirds in Florida
  7. Amount requested and importance of the grant in conducting the project.

All applications must be well-written and contain the following parts:

  1. Background summary or qualifications of the individual or organization seeking the grant, including qualifications
  2. Purpose of the grant and how information gathered in the study will further the mission and goals of the Florida Bluebird Society
  3. Clear statement of goal(s) or objective(s) of the research
  4. Materials needed
  5. Method of study (details of specific elements)
  6. Urgency of the project (why it is important to fund this project at this time)
  7. Expected length of the project, including starting and ending dates, and whether
    additional grants will be requested in future years to complete the project
  8. Schedule or time-line for individual components of the project
  9. Total estimated budget for the project and other sources of funding, if applicable

 The proposal must be:

  1. No longer than four double-spaced pages;
  2. Put on a single pdf file; and
  3. E-mailed to: Chair, Florida Bluebird Society Research Grant Committee at floridabluebirdsociety@gmail.com
  4. Have “Florida Bluebird Society grant proposal” on the Subject Line.

(Questions concerning the Florida Bluebird Society’s Research Grants should be directed to: Chair, Florida Bluebird Society Research Grant Committee at floridabluebirdsociety@gmail.com.)

Individuals or organizations awarded a grant will receive a “Letter of Agreement” which must be signed and returned before any funds will be released. The Letter of Agreement will state the grantee’s obligations, including submission of a final report.


Florida Bluebird Society, Inc. is a Florida not-for-profit organization.



FBS Trail Upgrade Grant Guidelines

Florida Bluebird Society Trail Upgrade Grants (FBS Trail Upgrade Grants) are intended to further the mission and goals of the Society.  All trail upgrades funded by FBS Trail Upgrade Grants must be conducted in the State of Florida and be primarily intended to upgrade the trail to FBS protocols, encourage safe use by Eastern Bluebirds and deter predators in the Sunshine State. The secondary intention of the grant is to help bluebird enthusiasts learn how to maximize their efforts in attracting and caring for bluebirds.  In keeping with the stated mission and goals of the FBS, secondary consideration also will be given to proposals for other federally protected cavity nesting species in Florida which meet the same criteria.


Florida Bluebird Society Trail Upgrade Grants will be awarded yearly, contingent on the funds available.  Maximum amount awarded each year by the Florida Bluebird Society will not exceed $1,500.00.  This award may be granted to one or several applicants, depending on the objectives and significance of the proposals submitted.


Priority will be given to applications received from individuals or organizations with a demonstrated interest and ability in maintaining trails beneficial to the Eastern Bluebirds in Florida.  Applicants must be members of the Florida Bluebird Society at the time the grant proposal is submitted.  The sole decision on awarding the grants will be the prerogative of the Florida Bluebird Society.  The Florida Bluebird Society’s decision will be final and binding.


The grants will be for a one-year period.  All proposals will be due by December 15 to be considered for the following calendar year. (Extensions may be considered on a case by case basis).



Grant applications must have a cover sheet containing:

  1. Name
  2. Mailing address
  3. Phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Title of project
  6. Short, concise summary statement highlighting the location of the trail and how it will benefit the Eastern Bluebirds and other federally protected cavity-nesting bluebirds in Florida. Include number of boxes, and how many are on public or private land, and what authorization has been received from owners.
  7. Amount requested and importance of the grant in conducting the project.


All applications must be well-written and contain the following parts:

  1. Background summary or experience of the individual or organization seeking the grant, including experience with the trail.
  2. Past 3-5 years of monitoring data.
  3. Purpose of the grant including a detail list of all equipment/service that will be used by the grant funds. For example, price of and number of predator guards, new boxes, materials needed, work needed, etc.
  4. Clear statement of goal(s) or objective(s) of the trail including the monitoring and maintenance of the trail for the foreseeable future.
  5. Urgency of the project (why it is important to fund this project at this time)
  6. Expected length of the project, including starting and ending dates, and whether
    additional grants will be requested in future years to complete the project
  7. Schedule or time-line for individual components of the project, including scheduling a visit by a FBS board member to review the first phase of the project.
  8. Total estimated budget for the project and other sources of funding, if applicable


The proposal must be:

  1. No longer than four double-spaced pages;
  2. Put on a single pdf file; and
  3. E-mailed to: Chair, Florida Bluebird Society Trail Upgrade Grant Committee at floridabluebirdsociety@gmail.com
  4. Have “Florida Bluebird Society grant proposal” on the Subject Line.

(Questions concerning the Florida Bluebird Society’s Trail Upgrade Grants should be directed to: Chair, Florida Bluebird Society Trail Upgrade Grant Committee at floridabluebirdsociety@gmail.com.)


Individuals or organizations awarded a grant will receive a “Letter of Agreement” which must be signed and returned before any funds will be released. The Letter of Agreement will state the grantee’s obligations, including that the grantee and potential volunteers will attend a training session on installing nest boxes, predator guards and monitoring protocol and techniques.  The Letter of Agreement will also contain an attestation by the grantee that they will abide by Florida Bluebird Society Principles and Nest Box Monitoring Protocol.

FBS Borescope Grant Guidelines (New)

Florida Bluebird Society (FBS) Borescope Grants are intended to further the mission and goals of the Society. We have determined the use of a boroscopic camera connected to a smartphone for monitor nestboxes has great advantages. Opening the nestbox is no longer necessary. This reduces the stress on any nestlings or adults inside and also allows an individual to monitor older nestlings. The time it takes to monitor is also reduced. The ability to preserve the image you see from the borescope on your smartphone will help increase the accuracy of your data by preserving a true image of the activity in the nestbox.
FBS Grants must meet these criteria:

Over the age of 18

Current FBS Membership

Nestboxes that will be monitored with the borescope must have predator guards, and be located within the State of Florida

Compliance with FBS Principles and Nestbox Monitoring Protocol

Participation in NestWatch. NestWatch is Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s nest-monitoring program designed to track the status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds, including when nesting occurs, number of eggs laid, how many eggs hatch, and how many hatchlings survive to fledge.

Share the season summary data from your NestWatch home page with FBS no later than October 1.
This grant does not require a standard grant proposal. The initial step is completion and submission of the Borescope Application Form. Individuals or organizations awarded a grant will receive a “Letter of Agreement” which must be signed and returned before any cameras will be released. The Letter of Agreement will state the grantee’s obligations, including that the grantee and potential volunteers will abide by the Florida Bluebird Society, Inc. Principles and Nestbox Monitoring Protocol.
The sole decision on awarding the grants will be the prerogative of the Florida Bluebird Society and must be within the annual budgeted. The Florida Bluebird Society’s decision will be final and binding.


(Questions concerning the Florida Bluebird Society’s Borescope Grants should be directed to: Chair, Florida Bluebird Society Borescope Grant Committee at floridabluebirdsociety@gmail.com.)