FBS Annual Meeting Replay
FBS Annual Meeting Replay

FBS Annual Meeting Webinar was held August 17, 2024. Presentations by Dr. Brett Moyer - Bolles School Updates, Dr. Pam Overmyer - Native Plants to attract Bluebirds, and the FBS 2025 Calendar Presentation. The virtual webinar meeting was recorded. Please view the recording here

Calling all Bluebird Photographers

Florida Bluebird Society is having our eighth annual photo contest for the 2026 Florida Bluebird Society calendar. The calendar will be given as a gift to all members who join/renew during our August membership drive (while supplies last). Winners will also receive a calendar featuring the winning photographs! Following are guidelines for photo submission:

* File size for print calendars MUST be a MINIMUM of 1MB (1000kb) to accommodate enlargement to wall calendar size.
* JPEG and PNG formats are preferred.
*Photos should be submitted via email rather than text due to file compression in SMS. Please rename photos with last name of Photographer and photo number. Example (Smith1.jpg). Send individual emails if you have multiple entries.
* LANDSCAPE orientation photos are used for our print calendars. PORTRAIT orientation photos are discouraged.
Deadline for submission is June 30, 2025. Please submit up to 3 of your best high resolution bluebird photographs via email to: pam.overmyer1@floridabluebirdsociety.org

Watch Live 4 Nestboxes
Watch Live Nestbox Activity from 4 Nestboxes!

This season Florida Bluebird Society is pleased to be able to share the inside view from four active nestboxes,

Heritage Pines Bluebird Project in Hudson: Hope and Bob are the leaders on this project. They successfully streamed nesting activity last season. This year they have added an external camera so the activity inside and outside the nestbox can be observed ...

Spread the Blue Word
Spread the "BLUE" Word

Have you ever taken a walk through your neighborhood and observed a bluebird perched on a power line, possibly ready to swoop down and grab an insect? Then you wondered if they were taking that bug back to some little ones? But wait, you don’t know of anyone else in your neighborhood that has nest boxes. You would love to spread the word about the beautiful little Eastern bluebird, but don’t...

One Nestbox Bluebirds Like
One Nestbox Bluebirds Like

See the attached plans for one nest box which has received the “stamp of approval” from Eastern Bluebirds in Clay County, FL. You can also click here to see a 3D view of the finished product. Use your computer “mouse” to rotate the house to see the sides, top and bottom. The 3-D view of the bluebird nest box was created by Kyle Lamirande, Boy Scout Troop 279, Jacksonville FL, as part...

FBS Annual Meeting Replay
Calling all Bluebird Photographers
Watch Live 4 Nestboxes
Spread the Blue Word
One Nestbox Bluebirds Like
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Dedicated to the conservation and protection of bluebirds and other federally protected cavity nesting bird species.

Our Mission
Conservation and Protection

The conservation and protection of bluebirds and other federally protected cavity nesting bird species in North America through educational programs and the collection and dissemination of pertinent and relevant information.

Because there is much general information available on bluebirds, the Florida Bluebird Society will…


Bird Emergency or Found a Baby Bird?

Generally, if you find a baby animal it is best to leave it alone. Often the animal is not orphaned and the parent may be out getting food. Never pick up baby animals and remove them from their natural environment.

Not sure what to do? Check for information on line, or call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. For a list…


The Eastern Bluebird

Welcome to the wonderful and delightful world of the Eastern Bluebird in Florida. The Eastern Bluebird, whose official Latin name is Sialia sialis, is a member of the Thrush family.

There are three species of bluebirds: Eastern, Mountain and Western.