As we gather together with family and friends this time of year, to give thanks for life’s blessings, I will be adding a few new “thanks” to my list.
First, I want to give thanks for the opportunity to serve as president of the Florida Bluebird Society. And to all those folks that walked the trails before – to create the FBS.
Second, a thank you to all those bluebird loving people that have become members of FBS, and for their help and support in spreading the word about our mission.
I also want to thank those of you who participated in our Fall Bluebird Blitz. Your participation is so important in helping us determine where Eastern Bluebirds are located in Florida. Without your eyes to the skies, we might never have received reports of sightings in four new counties last year. Or a first time fall sighting in one central Florida County last year. These are all thanks to volunteers like you.
However you spend this Thanksgiving holiday, I hope the turkey is not the only bird you see
Many thanks,